Audience Targeting


The purpose of an Audience Targeting table is to help marketers explore different attributes that may be used to create audience segments for marketing purposes. The Audience Targeting tag outlines the growing list of attributes and techniques that can be used by marketers to create more granular segments. This is particularly relevant for digital advertising, 1:1 messaging, and personalization. The attributes that you can use will depend on the data that you have available, the nature of your marketing plans, and your level of audience segmentation sophistication. This table is a reference resource, not a framework to be completed by a marketing team. It is most helpful when you are exploring how to create or refine audience segments, and identifying new sources of data or models.


What are the different ways that we can create audience segments for marketing?


  1. When exploring new audience segments, be pragmatic. Avoid the urge to create a large number of micro-segments that are impractical to manage and use. Stay on track by asking the questions listed below:
  2. Is this segment valuable? Every new segment that you create requires additional investment. Be sure that it is worth your time and resources required to create, manage, and communicate distinctly to this group.
  3. Is this segment different? The purpose of segmentation is to identify audiences that you will engage with differently. Your segments need to be unique in a way that your marketing needs to address.
  4. Is this segment distinguishable? While you may have a customer persona in mind that you would like to engage, you need to be able to have access to the data and models to accurately identify them. Do you?
  5. Is this segment large enough? Marketers need to balance the desire for targeting more granular audiences with the resources required to manage more targeted campaigns. Does the size justify the cost?


  • Consider creating a version of this table that reflects your current audience segmentation data and models.
  • Consider capturing the data or models that you would like to add to your version of the table in the future.
  • Keep an audience segmentation list up to date that reflects the size of each of your segments.


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