Value Proposition
Articulate why your target customer should choose your offering over alternatives.
The purpose of a Get-Who-To-By line is to capture your marketing strategy in a concise way for a creative brief. Often, creative briefs are not brief at all. Many contain so much information that the creative teams receiving the briefs are unclear and overwhelmed. The Get-Who-To-By line synthesizes and distills the most important elements of the creative brief into a single line. It includes your target audience, the problem they are facing, the response you desire, and your main proposition or message. When written well, the Get-Who-To-By line is effective tool for communicating your marketing strategy in clear and conversational way for your team.
Who are we targeting and what do we want to happen?
Articulate why your target customer should choose your offering over alternatives.
Identify the desired outcome of a marketing initiative from the perspective of your target customer.
This is a project from Kickframe – a digital marketing strategy consulting and training company.