SWOT Analysis
Evaluate the current position of your brand or product relative to achieving a goal.
The purpose of a Brand Positioning matrix is to measure and visualize differences among competing brands across relevant dimensions. These frameworks are often used in brand strategy work and presented using a matrix with two axes. Often, axes are chosen to ‘lead the witness’ by dramatizing a particular whitespace for positioning a brand. To avoid this pitfall (or temptation), make sure that the comparative dimensions for your axes are: (1) Broad: must be able to apply across all brands, (2) Salient: must matter to how customers distinguish brands, (3) Contrasting: must be perceived as polar opposites, (4) Measurable: must be able to place on a single axis, (5) Objective: must not be inherently good or bad.
How is our brand positioned in the market today?
Evaluate the current position of your brand or product relative to achieving a goal.
Illustrate the logical relationships between different elements of your problem.
This is a project from Kickframe – a digital marketing strategy consulting and training company.